Orion Push-to-Talk Features Revolutionizing Transit Team Collaboration

The transit industry moves fast—and drivers, dispatchers, and staff need a way to seamlessly communicate at all times of the day, no matter where they are. Unfortunately, many agencies grapple with outdated technologies that hinder teams from doing so.


Orion’s transformative Push-to-Talk (PTT 2.0) collaboration solution revolutionizes how transit agencies and their frontline workforce connect, collaborate, and respond to operational demands. Unlike traditional communication methods bogged down by aging technology and fragmented systems, Orion offers a unified, AI-enhanced cloud-based platform service designed to elevate productivity, safety, and customer service in the transit industry.

Bring Innovation to the Forefront With These Four Push-to-Talk Features

Four distinctive features set Orion’s PTT 2.0 platform apart, each designed to address the critical pain points in the transit industry, from operational control to organizational visibility and beyond.

Voice AI Workflows
Imagine transforming spoken words into actionable data—this is the reality with Orion’s Voice AI Bots and platform integrations. These patented frontline AI and voice automations improve overall productivity by allowing team members to voice-automate routine work and react faster and more accurately in critical or emergency situations. Amplify your team’s capabilities with Orion’s AI-driven voice workflows, and connect them directly with vital corporate systems and intelligence when it matters most.

Integrations With Third-Party Software
Orion’s PTT 2.0 platform seamlessly integrates with disparate third-party services, data repositories, and back-end systems in real-time. The platform enables voice activation with various operational applications like property management, task management, incident reporting, and more. And thanks to its clever APIs and robust SDK, users can tap into its Voice and Location layers to open up a world of customization. Whether you’re crafting new solutions or hooking into an array of integrations with big names like IBM Watson, Microsoft, and Twilio, Orion ensures your operational ecosystem is not just interconnected but also incredibly adaptable.

End-to-End Encryption
There’s no doubt that data breaches are a constant threat, and Orion prioritizes the security of your communications to combat those threats with robust end-to-end encryption (E2EE). The platform is certified to the highest standards, including FIPS 140-2 and NSA Suite B ciphers, was developed hand-in-hand with the Intelligence Community, and is used in active field missions today. Orion is equipped to ensure that your conversations, data, and—most importantly—your workforce remain protected against external threats, providing peace of mind and compliance assurance.

Secure Cloud Deployment
Orion’s deployment flexibility means it can adapt to any operational environment, whether in-cloud, on-premise, or in highly secure, air-gapped settings. This adaptability allows your agency to scale its communication solutions quickly and with minimal friction and configure integrations, maintenance, and control policies to fit your business needs—all while adhering to strict security and corporate governance policies. It’s about offering the right mix of control and flexibility to meet the unique demands of the transit industry.

A Testament to Transformation

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) experienced firsthand the transformative impact of integrating Orion into their operations. “Orion made sure that we received the exact technology we needed to do our job. With Orion, MBTA gained a safer, more productive workforce offering the highest service level to Greater Boston’s paratransit customers,” says Jim Nihan, Manager of Paratransit Operations at MBTA. This testimonial underscores the tangible benefits of Orion’s platform: enhanced safety, productivity, and service quality.

Why It Matters for the Transit Industry

With Orion PTT 2.0, the benefits extend beyond mere communication. Agencies report a 10% increase in customer ratings, a 17% boost in productivity, and a significant 21% rise in profitability, thanks to engaged and efficiently  managed teams. In an industry where every second and every communication can impact operations, Orion’s modernized, secure, and integrated PTT platform represents a significant leap forward.

Embrace the Future of Transit

Orion Push-to-Talk 2.0 is a game-changer for transit agencies aiming to redefine their approach to communication and operations. This platform can be leveraged as an ally in navigating the complexities of modern transit needs, with its suite of tools designed to boost efficiency, enhance safety, and elevate passenger experiences.

As we look ahead, embracing Orion means embracing a future where transit agencies set the pace in a rapidly evolving landscape. Here’s to transforming possibilities into realities and driving the future of transit, together. Want to learn more about how Orion can revolutionize your transit operations today?

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