Save the Date! ThinkTransit is Coming!

We know you’ve been anxiously awaiting this announcement. Where will ThinkTransit be next year?!? Your wait is over!

ThinkTransit will be in Tucson, Arizona from March 24-27, 2024!

ThinkTransit trivia buffs might remember that ThinkTransit was going to be held in Tucson in March 2020, until the pandemic scuppered it. We’re excited to be heading to the heart of the Sonoran Desert next year for 2024.

The desert in Spring is an amazing thing

We’ll be announcing the hotel and agency partner next month, but for now, let’s talk about Tucson.

In the heart of the Sonoran Desert (which goes all the way up to Osoyoos, BC, by the way), Tucson is the home of the University of Arizona and a vibrant center of arts, culture, and food. Take a moment to check out the Visit Tucson website and you’ll be packing your bags to get ready for ThinkTransit now. From their “Things to do…” page:

More than just saguaros and Sonoran hot dogs, Tucson, AZ is a cultural and natural hub where visitors can experience the Southwest as it was meant to be. In the heart of the Sonoran Desert, Tucson offers a modern perspective of the old west.

The city is home to a wide range of museums, historic sites, hiking trails, golf courses, and some of the most unique flora and fauna in the world, giving visitors plenty to do during their visit. From our gardens and zoos to our museums and university campus, Tucson’s unique beauty shines through our wide range of attractions and our vibrant downtown districts.

We’ll be in Tucson at a wonderful time—Spring—when the land comes alive with flowers and colors that will be a wonderful backdrop for what we’re all there to do—celebrate our love of public transit and learning from each other.

Count on everything you’ve come to expect from ThinkTransit and more

Of course we’re not going to be spending all our time wandering through Tucson, we’re there to learn, connect, and celebrate public transit. You can count on everything you enjoy from ThinkTransits past: keynotes, hands-on training, expert lead sessions, networking, the Awards of Excellence, the Executive Summit, and fun.[RR1]

Over the next several months we’ll be announcing the hotel information, all about our partner agency, call for speakers and sessions, nominations for the Awards of Excellence, and our keynote speakers.

To make sure you don’t miss a thing, sign up for ThinkTransit email updates on the ThinkTransit website.

Remember save the date!

Remember save the date: March 24-27, 2024, Tucson, AZ for the next ThinkTransit conference sponsored by Trapeze and Vontas.

We can’t wait to see you there.

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