Build Better Transit and Retain Employees with Smart Technology Tools

Build Better Transit and Retain Employees with Smart Technology Tools

A New Way to Work

Just as we all do in our personal lives, transit workers and their supervisors crave connectivity on the job. Modern technology can be truly transformative in this aspect. Mobile apps featuring user-friendly interfaces offer a seamless experience, empowering employees to boost their effectiveness.

Enter Vontas OnRoute Supervisor—a cutting-edge, web-based application designed to revolutionize transit supervision. This dynamic tool enables field support staff to swiftly address accidents, incidents, and customer inquiries at layover terminals, all while accessing vital operational data without cumbersome radio communication or mobility restrictions.

Ease of use is paramount for transit agencies. With expectations shaped by ridesharing, food delivery apps, and real-time package tracking, transit employees expect similar functionality in their workplaces to serve riders efficiently. Thankfully, OnRoute Supervisor provides a user-friendly interface and a wealth of information and communication.

Success for transit agencies hinges on intuitive systems that streamline onboarding, alleviate concerns, and foster engagement. Additionally, employees are more likely to stay committed when equipped with the right tools, which helps with employee turnover.

Bridging the Communications Gap

Agencies that integrate Supervisor facilitate seamless communication between field employees, vehicles, supervisors, and dispatchers, enabling real-time connectivity. The mobile-first design empowers supervisors with the authority of central dispatch in the palm of their hands, liberating operators from fixed in-vehicle laptops and tablets.

Supervisor seamlessly fits into your workflow and application, ensuring dispatchers and supervisors utilize the same data sources for informed decision-making. Simultaneously, the app harnesses real-time data to offer a comprehensive overview of your fleet, providing valuable insights to your agency and empowering you to enhance services for your riders and operators alike, keeping your operations running smoothly.

Real-Time Insights and Reactions

Dealing with a vehicle incident using a manual system can feel like playing a game of telephone. As information passes through the communication chain, it risks becoming diluted or misunderstood. Dispatchers manually responding to incidents often encounter delays in determining the best course of action, hindered by incomplete or inaccurate information relayed from the field.

In contrast, Supervisor eradicates this issue. With a comprehensive real-time overview of your vehicles, supervisors are well equipped to effortlessly track vehicle movement and respond promptly to incidents while reducing the risk of human error. By providing dispatchers with a reliable tool to monitor services, Supervisor ensures buses adhere to schedules or have a rapid response in the event of vehicle breakdowns, operational gaps, or early departures.

How It Works

The easy-to-use Supervisor app uses OpenStreetMaps to show where your buses are located. The vehicle tab has a menu with details for individual buses that your agency can customize to reflect your operations.

Time-saving tools allow you to home in on individual operations by searching by Bus Number, Operator, Route, and other options. Keep track of when buses arrive and leave, when they’re on time or behind schedule, and other critical customizable events.

In the event of a detour, you can draw the detour path on a map from your tablet device. The system will capture it and it will auto-generate it for future route changes.

With these fast, flexible tools, you can keep your operations running on time and take steps if buses deviate from the schedule. With a secure connection, you can run it on a laptop, in the office, or on a tablet out in the field so you’re always in the know.

More Information for Passenger Satisfaction

Your riders expect a similar level of technological sophistication from their transit agency as they experience in many aspects of their lives, with alerts and updates about deliveries, appointments, and schedule changes.

In the wake of an unexpected event where routes and schedules must be modified in real-time, communicating those disruptions and their resolution builds trust with your riders.

They will have more confidence in your service and be able to plan their day accordingly. Ultimately, agencies retain their passengers’ trust through efficient service and response to disruptions.

Empowering Operators with the Modern Solutions

Collaborative technology like OnRoute Supervisor shows what’s possible when communication barriers are eliminated. Employees want the technology tools to do their jobs well, and riders appreciate the benefits of real-time information and updates. Take steps to empower operators with real-time data, automation, and agency communications.

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